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truck bed liner in trailer?
Reg. Apr 2005
Posted 2006-02-26 4:37 PM (#923)
Subject: truck bed liner in trailer?

Posts: 81

Location: Lyons Oregon
is there any reason I can't put roll-on truck bed liner in the mangers of my 2H straightload?  I was planning to put it in the tack compartment because doing so really saved my last old trailer's tack comparment.  It's rubbery and resists scratching and dinging from equipment being moved around and I thought maybe it would save the mangers from getting scratched and beat up.  It seems like a fine idea but I haven't seen a trailer with this done so maybe there is a reason? 
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Broken Bit
Reg. Jan 2006
Posted 2006-02-26 4:57 PM (#924 - in reply to #923)
Subject: RE: truck bed liner in trailer?

Posts: 216

Location: Northern IN.
Sounds like a good idea, I've never used any myself.  I guess I'd just make sure that it's non-toxic of coarse.  I don't know if it'd say on the label or not. Wouldn't want any sick critters.
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terri s
Reg. Sep 2005
Posted 2006-02-26 6:40 PM (#925 - in reply to #923)
Subject: RE: truck bed liner in trailer?

Posts: 317

Location: Kansas
I used this along the sides of my trailer and where I had gotten a wear spot in my rhino lining (the Pawing Mare from Hell) and it works great. Got mine at an auto supply store and it said that it was non-hazardous shortly after drying. I had very good luck with it.
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Reg. Apr 2005
Posted 2006-02-26 10:54 PM (#926 - in reply to #923)
Subject: RE: truck bed liner in trailer?

Posts: 81

Location: Lyons Oregon
It worked really well in the tack area of my last trailer.  I had the metal floor replaced and then after it was sealed and primed put in the rubberized bed liner stuff.  The floor was not only tougher as a result, it remained rust free and it kept stuff from sliding around as much.  I am going to put it in the mangers and a few inches up the walls in the mangers.  That seems to be where the biggest cases of rust set in.  I just hope there isn't a very good reason not to do this-- cuz I doubt it can be undone!
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