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fuel mileage
Moderators: windy

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Last activity 2010-11-22 9:07 PM
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Reg. Nov 2010
Posted 2010-11-19 6:31 AM (#5124)
Subject: fuel mileage

Posts: 9

Will you get pretty much the same fuel mileage when running in tow mode and economy mode? Is it alright to switch from one to the other once in a while. Will it hurt something if you do?
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Reg. Oct 2004
Posted 2010-11-19 1:56 PM (#5125 - in reply to #5124)
Subject: RE: fuel mileage

Location: Colorado
I would think in economy mode you would get a little better mileage. I wouldn't put it in economy mode when pulling a trailer though- tow mode should change your shift points to make things easier on your truck.  
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Reg. Jan 2009
Posted 2010-11-22 9:07 PM (#5126 - in reply to #5124)
Subject: RE: fuel mileage

Posts: 176

I sent you a reply on your other post about chips.

It really all comes down to what you have in your truck. If it is a programmer that has to be downloaded then you are much better off leaving it set on the tow mode. Base on the amount of time you state you tow your trailer vs. the amount of time you are empty.

If you do have a chip with a knob that makes the adjustments and you can remember to adjust it every time then yes switch it back and forth every time, it will not hurt anything. But again depending on the amount you stated you tow and if you are anything like my better half and have so much other suff on her mind (can't remember to load her guns for the next shoot) then I would say just leave it on the tow setting. Yes the tow setting does adjust the shift points but even hauling empty the avg. person can not tell under normal driving conditions.
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