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chips in ford dually
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Last activity 2010-11-23 12:14 PM
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Reg. Nov 2010
Posted 2010-11-15 11:30 AM (#5121)
Subject: chips in ford dually

Posts: 9

My husband had a chip put in our 2000 ford dually. Its a diesel truck. My question is, it is in the towing mode now, can I change it to economy with no problems. I don't use it that much to go anywhere but with the horse trailer. Can you change it back and forth, go from economy to towing without any problems? Do you drive it differently in economy mode? I know I sound stupid but my husband passed away and I don't have anyone reliable to ask.
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Reg. Jan 2009
Posted 2010-11-16 11:38 AM (#5122 - in reply to #5121)
Subject: RE: chips in ford dually

Posts: 176

Do you know what chip you have?

Most for this model truck is set up with a knob or switch so you can toggle back and forth with no troubles. My dealings with different chip that are set up like this, I have found that if you tow pretty often that it is best just to leave it set in the "tow mode". Most of the time the tow and economy setting is pretty close to the same hp range so it really does matter.

You pretty much just drive the truck the same way all time. Depending on the chip the only difference you might have on the tow side of the chip would be the shift points in the transmission (if you have an automatic, a 6 speed with be the same on both chips)
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Reg. Nov 2010
Posted 2010-11-23 11:58 AM (#5127 - in reply to #5121)
Subject: RE: chips in ford dually

Posts: 9

Thanks for the info. It has one of the chips that you plug in and it walks you through it. It has the exhaust thing that helps and the breather thing that lets more air in. I hardly ever drive it without pulling something or hauling something. Will leave it in tow mode.
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Reg. Jan 2009
Posted 2010-11-23 12:14 PM (#5128 - in reply to #5121)
Subject: RE: chips in ford dually

Posts: 176

That would be the best thing to do. If you ever need some help as far as your truck or chip goes just yell at me and I will see if I can help you figure it out. These diesels is about all I mess with any more.
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