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f250 super duty alignment question
Moderators: windy

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Last activity 2011-02-06 7:27 PM
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Reg. Jun 2007
Posted 2011-02-06 7:25 AM (#5172)
Subject: f250 super duty alignment question

Posts: 11

Location: NJ
took my f250 FWD to a local shop to get a quote on alignment (truck hasn't had an alignment done since i bought it few years back, the front tires show wear on the inside and since i'm putting on new tires i want to make sure alignment is correct).

the guy at the shop tells me that it's $90 for the alignment but that if the offset cams need to be replaced then they're $150 a piece.

i tried googling the offset cams under every possible word combo (alignment cams, cam bolts, offset cams) but i'm not really getting any relevant hits. the one page that i found lists aftermarket alignment cams for $40 a piece!!!

could someone comment on the quote i was given on the alignment cams?

thanks in advance!
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Reg. Jan 2009
Posted 2011-02-06 7:27 PM (#5175 - in reply to #5172)
Subject: RE: f250 super duty alignment question

Posts: 176

ectrentic bushings not sure about the spelling but the FORD has adjustable cam bushings one the front ends.. Factory parts will run about $50 to $80 per side, aftermarket items should be about half that. So I would think maybe $150 total for both sides would be more correct.
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